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<td>2014 Employee Annual Fund Kicks Off</td>
<td>The University of South Alabama kicked off its 2014 Employee Annual Fund on Feb. 25, opening a campaign that brings together employees in support of the University. Department representatives will distribute pledge cards that will allow employees to designate a gift amount and the college or division that will receive the gift. Gifts to endowments will be matched dollar-for-dollar.<br/><br/> <a href="#" target="_self">Click here for more information</a></td>
<td>Dr. Tony G. Waldrop Named University of South Alabama President</td>
<td>Dr. Tony G. Waldrop has been named president of the University of South Alabama following a vote by the University’s board of trustees.<br/><br/> An accomplished researcher, teacher and administrator in higher education for more than 30 years, Waldrop was selected from an initial field of more than 130 candidates from across the country. He will start at South Alabama in April. Waldrop succeeds the late Gordon Moulton, who retired July 1, 2013 after 15 years as president. Dr. John W. Smith has served as acting president.<br/><br/> Waldrop has served since 2010 as provost and executive vice president at the University of Central Florida, with previous stints as vice chancellor for research and economic development at the University of North Carolina and vice chancellor for research at the University of Illinois. Waldrop has a bachelor’s degree in political science, a master’s in physical education and a Ph.D. in physiology, all from the University of North Carolina.<br/><br/> “The University of South Alabama delivers a quality education for students, serves the health needs of the central Gulf Coast and is an economic driver for Mobile and the surrounding regions. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to join USA at this exciting juncture,” said Waldrop. “The people of the University are unified in their energy and dedication to providing an outstanding, affordable education. I am proud to become part of the team.”<br/><br/> <a href="#" target="_self">Click here for more information</a></td>
<td>USA to Celebrate Martin Luther King Day</td>
<td>The University of South Alabama will participate in the 2014 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Monday, Jan. 20 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Dumas Wesley Community Center, located at 126 Mobile Street.<br/><br/> Volunteer registration begins at 9 a.m. and JagTran buses will pick up students at the Beta/Gamma Commons and the Grove apartments at USA starting at that time. T-shirts will be given to the first 400 volunteers and a complimentary lunch will be provided.<br/><br/> Students, staff and faculty are invited to participate. Volunteers will help with numerous community activities including building, art, and cleaning projects. A Habitat for Humanity build will take place at 6604 Skipper, located in the Tillman’s Corner area, and USA College of Engineering students will help repair a house at 1610 Burdette Drive in the Dauphin Island Parkway area.<br/><br/> <a href="#" target="_self">Click here for more information</a></td>
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